Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Next Buzzwords Sunday April 13th


 Next Buzzwords Sunday April 13th

Upstairs at the Exmouth Arms, Bath Road, Cheltenham


7pm Workshop lead by Kate Potts

Open mic and readings 8pm

Guest poet Kate Potts


 pay on the door, £5 waged, £3 unwaged.


 Kate Potts is a poet, teacher, mentor and editor. Her second collection Feral (Bloodaxe Books 2018) was a Poetry Book Society Recommendation and Telegraph poetry book of the month. Her debut pamphlet Whichever Music (tall lighthouse, 2008) was a Poetry Book Society Pamphlet Choice and was shortlisted for a Michael Marks Award. 

In her new book Pretenders (Bloodaxe Books 2025) Kate weaves together poetry and interview material with essay fragments to create a multi-voice exploration of imposter feelings. Pretenders shines a light on our value systems and hierarchies, inrerogating notions of realness, self-assurance and the self. 


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Next Buzzwords Sunday March 9th

 Next Buzzwords Sunday March 9th

 The first Buzzwords was in March 2005, so this is our 20th anniverary. There will be cake!


 Upstairs at the Exmouth Arms, Bath Road, Cheltenham

7pm Workshop lead by Adam Horovitz

Open mic and readings 8pm

Guest poet Adam Horovitz

 pay on the door, £5 waged, £3 unwaged.


Adam Horovitz is a poet, performer and editor. He has published three collections of poetry, the most recent being Love and Other Fairy Tales, a memoir, A Thousand Laurie Lees, and an album of poetry and music with Josef Reeve, Little Metropolis. He co-presented The Thunder Mutters, a podcast celebrating John Clare, with fiddle player Becky Dellow during lockdown. He appeared on Cerys Matthews and Hidden Orchestra’s album We Come From the Sunin 2021. His next book, Slow Migrations, is due out from Indigo Dreams in September 2025.



Saturday, January 18, 2025

Next Buzzwords Sunday 9th February


Next Buzzwords Sunday February 9th


 Upstairs at the Exmouth Arms, Bath Road, Cheltenham

7pm Workshop lead by Angela France

Open mic and readings 8pm

Guest poet John Greening

 pay on the door, £5 waged, £3 unwaged.


John Greening is a Bridport, Arvon and Cholmondeley winner, author of over twenty collections, notably The Interpretation of Owls: Selected Poems 1977-2022 (Baylor UP, ed. Gardner) and From the East (Renard Press, 2024). He has edited Matthew Arnold, Edmund Blunden, Geoffrey Grigson, Iain Crichton Smith and most recently U.A.Fanthorpe. As well as several critical studies and translations, there have been anthologies such as Contraflow: Lines of Englishness co-edited with Kevin Gardner (a Guardian and Sunday Times Book of the Year in 2023). A book of linked essays, photographs and poems, A High Calling, appears from Renard in 2025 when his versions of Rilke's complete New Poems are also due from Baylor UP. 

John will be reading from his new U.A.Fanthorpe Selected, Not My Best Side, and from his own 2023 Selected Poems.


Saturday, January 4, 2025

Next Buzzwords Sunday January 12th


Next Buzzwords Sunday January 12th


 Upstairs at the Exmouth Arms, Bath Road, Cheltenham

7pm Workshop lead by Duncan Forbes

Open mic and readings 8pm

Guest poet Duncan Forbes

 pay on the door, £5 waged, £3 unwaged.


Duncan Forbes’s poems have been published by Faber, Secker and Enitharmon, who produced a Selected Poems in 2009, drawn from five previous collections. He has won a Gregory Award, Stephen Spender Prizes, Hawthorden Fellowship and TLS/Blackwells prize. His most recent collection of poems is Under the Sun (2024).

He read English and has taught for many years, including a stint as an RLF fellow at Worcester University. Now retired, he lives in Cheltenham and is married with two grown-up children.


Friday, November 15, 2024

Next Buzzwords Sunday December 8th


Next Buzzwords Sunday December 8th


 Upstairs at the Exmouth Arms, Bath Road, Cheltenham

7pm Workshop lead by Michael Bartholomew Biggs and Nancy Mattson

Open mic and readings 8pm

Guest poets Michael Bartholomew Biggs and Nancy Mattson

 pay on the door, £5 waged, £3 unwaged.


As always for the December meeting, if you would like to read somone else's work at the open mic, please do. It has been suggested that some may like to read Ann Drysdale's poems as she died in August and was such a good friend to Buzzwords.


Michael Bartholomew-Biggs is poetry editor of the online magazine London Grip.  He began writing poetry, rather unexpectedly, about half-way through a career as a professional mathematician; he has now retired from the latter but not from the former.  He has published six full collections, the most recent of which are Fred & Blossom (2013, a narrative sequence set in the 1930s), Poems in the Case (2018, a hybrid of poetry collection and murder mystery) and Identified Flying Objects (2024, contemporary responses to the prophet Ezekiel).  For over twenty years he and Nancy Mattson have organised poetry readings at St Mary’s church in Islington – originally under the title Poetry in the Crypt but now elevated to Poetry above the Crypt.

Nancy Mattson is a Finnish-Canadian writer who moved from the Canadian prairies to London in 1990. Her four poetry collections cross borders of time, place and language from North America to Europe and Russia. Vision on Platform 2 (2018) and Writing with Mercury (2006) have mainly contemporary themes but draw on memory, myth, art, faith and family stories. Other books dig into history. Finns and Amazons (2012) brings together Russian women avant-garde artists and a Finnish great-aunt who moved to Soviet Karelia in 1932 but disappeared in 1939. Maria Breaks Her Silence (1989), a possible poetic biography of a 19th century Finnish woman immigrant to Canada, was shortlisted for the Gerald Lampert Award. Nancy was awarded a Hawthornden fellowship in 2007. She co-organises Poetry Above the Crypt in Islington, London


Saturday, October 12, 2024

Next Buzzwords Sunday November 10th


Next Buzzwords Sunday November 10th


 Upstairs at the Exmouth Arms, Bath Road, Cheltenham

7pm Workshop lead by Helen Ivory and Martin Figura

Open mic and readings 8pm

Guest poets Helen Ivory and Martin Figura

 pay on the door, £5 waged, £3 unwaged.


Martin Figura’s collection and show Whistle were shortlisted for the Ted Hughes Award and won the 2013 Saboteur Award for Best Spoken Word Show.  Shed (Gatehouse Press) and Dr Zeeman’s Catastrophe Machine (Cinnamon Press) were both published in 2016.  In 2021 he was Salisbury NHS Writer in Residence; the resulting pamphlet My Name is Mercy (Fair Acre Press) won a national NHS award. A second pamphlet from Fair Acre Press Sixteen Sonnets for Care came out in October 2022. His latest collection The Remaining Men  has just been published by Cinnamon Press. 

Helen Ivory is a poet and visual artist who makes shadowboxes and collage. She was awarded a Cholmondeley Award by the Society of Authors in 2024. She edits the webzine Ink Sweat and Tears and teaches for the National Centre for Writing Academy. Her surrealist chapbook  Maps of the Abandoned City was published by  SurVision in 2019 and the poem The Square of the Clockmaker is riding the rails as one of the Poems on the Underground.  She  has work translated into Polish, Ukrainian, Croatian, Spanish and Greek as part of the Versopolis European poetry platform.  Her Wunderkammer: New and Selected Poems appeared from MadHat in the US last year. Constructing a Witch (October 2024) her sixth collection with Bloodaxe Books, is a PBS Winter Recommendation. 


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Next Buzzwords Sunday October 6th


Next Buzzwords Sunday October 6th


 Upstairs at the Exmouth Arms, Bath Road, Cheltenham

Workshop lead by Paul Maddern 7pm

Open mic and readings 8pm

Guest poet Paul Maddern

 pay on the door, £5 waged, £3 unwaged.


Paul Maddern was born in Bermuda and lives in Ireland. He has four publications with Templar Poetry (Derbyshire) and is editor of Queering the Green: Post-2000 Queer Irish Poetry (Lifeboat Press, Belfast). He has taught at the University of Leeds and the Seamus Heaney Centre, Queen’s University, and in November 2023 he was Writing Fellow at the James Merrill House, Stonington CT. He is the first three-time winner of the Bermuda Government Literary Award for Poetry, most recently in 2024, for The Tipping Line.