Next Buzzwords
Sunday December 8th
Upstairs at the
Exmouth Arms, Bath Road, Cheltenham
7pm Workshop lead
by Michael Bartholomew Biggs and Nancy Mattson
Open mic and
readings 8pm
Guest poets Michael Bartholomew Biggs and Nancy Mattson
pay on
the door, £5 waged, £3 unwaged.
As always for the December meeting, if you would like to read somone else's work at the open mic, please do. It has been suggested that some may like to read Ann Drysdale's poems as she died in August and was such a good friend to Buzzwords.
Michael Bartholomew-Biggs is poetry editor of the online
magazine London Grip. He began writing
poetry, rather unexpectedly, about half-way through a career as a professional mathematician;
he has now retired from the latter but not from the former. He has published six full collections, the
most recent of which are Fred & Blossom (2013, a narrative sequence set in
the 1930s), Poems in the Case (2018, a hybrid of poetry collection and murder
mystery) and Identified Flying Objects (2024, contemporary responses to the
prophet Ezekiel). For over twenty years
he and Nancy Mattson have organised poetry readings at St Mary’s church in
Islington – originally under the title Poetry in the Crypt but now elevated to
Poetry above the Crypt.
Nancy Mattson is a Finnish-Canadian writer who moved from the Canadian prairies to London in
1990. Her four
poetry collections cross borders of time, place and language from North America
to Europe and Russia. Vision on Platform
2 (2018) and Writing with Mercury (2006) have mainly contemporary themes
but draw on memory, myth, art, faith and family stories. Other books dig into
history. Finns and
Amazons (2012)
brings together Russian women avant-garde artists and a Finnish great-aunt who moved
to Soviet Karelia in 1932 but disappeared in 1939.
Maria Breaks Her Silence (1989), a
possible poetic biography of a
19th century Finnish woman immigrant to Canada, was shortlisted for the Gerald Lampert Award. Nancy was
awarded a Hawthornden fellowship in 2007. She co-organises Poetry Above the
Crypt in Islington, London