Thursday, February 21, 2019

Next Buzzwords Sunday March 10th

Next Buzzwords Sunday, March 10th

7pm - workshop led by Lucy Anderson and/or Nigel Hutchinson
8pm - open mic and guest readings
Guest Poets: Lucy Anderson and Nigel Hutchinson

Upstairs at The Exmouth Arms, Bath Road, Cheltenham

Waged £5, unwaged £3

Lucy Anderson studied Creative Writing at The University of Leicester. Lucy has worked collaboratively with artists and community projects, has taught poetry in the libraries, museums, in Hospital and Outreach Education, for Mind, and young writers, Writing East Midlands.
Her pamphlet Legacy (Cinnamon Press) came out in 2018. She is working on her new collection.
Born into difficulties, Lucy was an 'observer' from early on and channelled this into her psychodynamic therapy background and later in her poetry. Personal trauma and her fascination with people motivate her continued explorations of the human condition 'past to present' with themes of mental health, gender and loss. Her poems make a direct, yet tender comment on the human condition and hope to break down taboo and isolation.

Nigel Hutchinson trained in Fine Art and words were a regular part of his work. Now they’ve pretty much taken over. 
He has worked on exhibitions for the Lawrence Sterne Trust and was recently involve in curating and writing for an exhibition in response
to TS Eliot’s ‘The Waste Land’. His work has been anthologised and appeared in various magazines, most bizarrely in a Japanese newspaper.
His collection, The Humble Family Interviews is published by Cinnamon Press.